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Physical activity
with disability

Making the distinction between having a pathology or a disability is often complicated. A disability is the loss or alteration of an apparatus or a function, which can be both physiological and/or psychological, hindering the normal activity of the organism.  For your information, we speak of intellectual disability when memory is affected, of psychological disability when behavior is affected, of sensory disability for hearing and/or eye problems and finally of motor disability for anything that affects muscle and/or bone mass.


However, as for all the problems that you may encounter in your life, it is inconceivable for us, at Therapies Prestiges, that we cannot access physical activities and sports, if you want to, under the pretext that you cannot do what everyone else does. We want to make wellness and well-being accessible, it is our role, our mission in life. No matter what your disability is, whether it is intellectual, psychological, sensory or motor, we want to help you get better and access physical activities adapted to you, physical activities created and imagined for you. 


Thus, we promise you that at Therapies Prestiges you will be able to move, gain stability, mobility, serenity, confidence and energy by practicing an activity adapted to your person, in its entirety. Our sessions are unique and personalized so that you will not be an obstacle to your well-being. We will be delighted to help you feel better in your body and to turn your desire for wellness and fitness into a reality.

The other offers available


​Pilates is a method of strengthening deep muscles. The regular practice of pilates allows you to be stronger, more stable, more aware of your body, your inner strength and your limits. A complete sport practice that offers visible and gentle results.

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